The Trump and Biden Memos – ACLU

A chronicle of Donald Trump's Crimes or Allegations

The Trump and Biden Memos – ACLU

Donald Trump and Joe Biden will once again be facing off in the 2024 presidential election — and no matter which candidate wins, the victory will have immense implications for our civil rights and liberties. Though the ACLU doesn’t endorse or oppose candidates for elected office, we recognize that there will be drastically different realities for the country depending on which candidate wins in November.
Regardless of a candidate’s political affiliation, the ACLU will stand for any executive action to defend and expand civil rights and liberties and stand against any executive action that threatens them. We also want voters in states around the country to be able to make the most informed decisions possible. Our advocacy experts are preparing for either presidential scenario and have identified the challenges and opportunities that each candidate will bring, and the concrete actions the ACLU will take in response.
Ahead of the election, we are sharing our findings in a series of 13 memos — seven memos on a potential second Trump administration and six on a potential second Biden Administration — to be released through August. The memos will address a range of issues from immigrants’ rights, abortion access, LGBTQ justice, First Amendment rights, racial equity, criminal legal reform, and more. Check back every week for a new memo outlining what Trump and Biden will mean for our most fundamental freedoms and what the ACLU will be doing to protect them.
Click on the titles below to learn more about each issue area and check back every week for a new memo outlining Trump or Biden’s threats to our freedoms and what the ACLU will be doing to fight back.
