Democratic group starts attacking Trump with abortion rights testimonials – The Washington Post

A chronicle of Donald Trump's Crimes or Allegations

Democratic group starts attacking Trump with abortion rights testimonials – The Washington Post

A $25 million campaign by American Bridge in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania over the next three weeks is just the beginning of the super PAC’s efforts.
A Democratic super PAC will launch a $25 million, three-week ad blitz against presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump on Monday, with spots airing in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania that use voter testimonials to warn about reduced abortion access in a second Trump term, according to the group’s leaders.
The ads by American Bridge 21st Century target a group of about 2 million persuadable voters, including conservatives who are unhappy with Trump and people who dislike both major party nominees, said Bradley Beychok, the group’s co-founder. The spots — delivered by television, radio, digital and mail through early June — are the first wave of a promised $140 million campaign to reelect President Biden.
